So What’s Modernterranean?
Modernterranean™ is simply taking the healthiest diet and lifestyle from one of the longest living groups of people in the world and translating it to modern life. The Mediterranean diet is veggie heavy, fresh fruits, fish, light on meat, legumes, high quality dairy, fermented foods, whole grains, nuts, seeds, olive oil, powerful herbs, herbal teas, coffee, and yes, wine! The food is vibrant, colorful and full of energy like the people who live there!
I’ve taken many classic Greek dishes and “upgraded” them adding a bit of this and that to boost their nutritional profile even further while tasting delicious. As I was getting creative in my kitchen I was ending up with a new category of food that didn’t have a name, hence, Modernterranean™ was born!
My goal is to help you create healthy, delicious real food to feed your body and soul. Understandably, life isn’t perfect and we don’t have time to prepare lavish meals for our family, and that’s ok! We can only do the best we can. Hopefully you can fit it in once or twice a week or on the weekends. Even better, cook once and eat 22345544 times! Make a bigger batch and spread it out! I hope I will inspire you to “cook outside the box” not sticking to any one “type” of cooking, but instead experimenting and having fun in the kitchen! Get carried away, don’t go by the rules, that’s when the magic happens!
These times call for extra immune-boosting recipes, so I created OPTIMIZING IMMUNITY!!!
Adding this to my series of Modernterranean Cookbooks!
FAMILY FAVORITES is a collection of my family’s favorites that are healthy and delicious!
just $19.99 each
To purchase:
EMAIL ME AT: [email protected]